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AfricaPhotoBank is a professional stock photo library offering mainly pictures from Southern Africa. Our pictures are high quality visual material which captures Africa at its best, Botswana being our home base.

Africaphotobank is run by Poco. Pty. LTD and is a small library compared with today's ever-growing giants in the photo stock industry. We try our best to offer a personalised service for those looking for quality over quantity.

Behind the library is mostly the personal work of Catalin Coman and his father Lucian Coman.

We believe that the strength of our library is the quality of our pictures and the large variety of the subjects covered; from the   business concepts taken in the studio, to the Basarwa's tribes in the depths of Kalahari.

Despite the fact that a large part of the library is shot in Botswana, you will find also pictures covering a few other countries: Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Romania, Bulgaria, France, UK, Cuba, Canada, USA, etc.


We are here:

Botswana, Gaborone

Broadhurst, Copper Close, plot 7982


+267 71657649

+267 3974169